kathleen aurora smith

speaker: kathleen aurora smith

DAY/TIME: friday at 2:00 PM

tent location: love tent

An Introduction to the Wheel of Consent

Interested in playing with pleasure, touch & consent? Let’s explore together! This introduction to the Wheel of Consent® developed by Dr. Betty Martin will take you on a deep dive into a few of the foundational concepts of the Wheel of Consent® with a focus on what it feels like to truly touch for your own pleasure. We will explore our embodied sense of pleasure, why we don’t ask for what we want & how to say “no”. The workshop will include the opportunity for a partnered touch practice. You will begin to see how distinguishing “who is doing” and “who it is for” can be a portal to deeper erotic aliveness and conscious communication.  If you think you understand consent you may be surprised by what you learn as you begin to explore the Wheel.  Welcome to the beginning of a deeper journey. 

kathleen aurora

Kathleen Aurora Smith is passionate about bringing the tools of the Wheel of Consent® to North Carolina. Her facilitation of the Wheel incorporates her training in somatic coaching & intimacy education. Her workshops are designed to create a safe-enough container for all bodies to explore touch at their own pace. Kathleen’s focus is on slowing down, grounding & expanding the capacity to weave pleasure into all facets of life