Mercedes López Arratia

speaker: Mercedes López Arratia

day/time: sunday at 8:00 am

tent location: love tent

ancient cacao ceremony

The Ancient Cacao Ceremony is a sacred Mesoamerican tradition that offers a deep spiritual experience. Here’s what to expect in our sacred space:

Preparation: We will set our intention for the ceremony and drink a special cacao elixir prepared just for this ceremony.

Connection and Meditation: Meditate to center yourself and connect with the group.

Drinking the Cacao: Sip the cacao mindfully, honoring its spirit.

Sharing and Healing: Share thoughts and emotions with the group and engage in visualizations.

Closing and Integration: Express gratitude and gain insights.

The Ancient Cacao Ceremony offers profound self-discovery and healing in a short, sacred journey.

speaker: Mercedes López Arratia

day/time: sunday at 10:00 am

tent location: love tent

Personal Autonomy

Personal Autonomy is the key to more fulfilling, joyful and conscious decision making. In this workshop we will review our four powers: financial, emotional, sexual and purpose.

We will share experiences and recommendations for conscious decision making and reflect on individual opportunities ahead.


Mercedes López Arratia is a Mexican-American Integral Life Coach, with a successful career in the corporate world.  She has been named one of the 100 most powerful women in business in Mexico.

Passionate about joy, pleasure and building community, she has advanced studies in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnosis. She trained as an expert in sexuality and Reiki, among other certifications and advanced courses.

An author and speaker in national and international forums, Mercedes mentors and coaches women individually and in groups. She is the founder of Rejoy Mx, providing conferences, retreats and trips for people interested in personal autonomy.