raj karki

speaker: raj karki

DAY/TIME: thursday at 2:00 PM

tent location: play tent

Shakti Tantric Meditation and Sound Therapy

Shakti Tantric Meditation and sound Therapy offers a transformative journey of emotional healing and spiritual awakening. Through Release Tantric Meditation, you will let go of deep-seated stress, anxiety, and frustration, using a unique blend of guided Vipassana, yogic breathing, and physical movement to shake out stored tension and unlock the body’s potential energy. As you break free from the weight of everyday struggles, you will experience a profound sense of lightness and clarity. Paired with the powerful vibrations of Shakti Sound Therapy, which draws on ancient Nepalese instruments, this practice takes you into a deep trance, dispelling fear and mental instability while awakening a fresh vitality that resonates throughout your life. Together, these practices offer a holistic, life-changing experience, guiding you towards a state of profound peace, emotional freedom, and spiritual well-being.


Raj is a Tantric Meditation Guru, originally from Kathmandu, Nepal. He is the founder/Caretaker of GuruKula Foundation, a Non Profit 501(c) 3 organization, which focuses on Mental Health, Awareness and spirituality and works for different groups and communities. He guides individuals in different styles of Eastern ways of meditation including ancient Buddhist, Yogic, Tantric, and Hindu methods.

His approach is to give people the glimpse of spiritual enlightenment by seeding them the fundamental essence of spiritual reality and guide them until it flourishes. Raj has been brought up in Hindu and Buddhist Tantric culture in Nepal. He feels blessed for being brought up and growing in the culture which has roots of thousands of years of spiritual evolution and the environment which uplifts spirituality thus shows the importance of our connection with Mother Nature.

He has been actively submerged in Meditation space for over 10 years and has been teaching meditation, giving talks on meditation and eastern philosophies and performing spiritual Tantric Meditation and sound therapies for 8+ years. He sees that we all individuals have infinite possibilities and to unlock that possibility one should be aware of their own existence and to become aware of our existence he sees Meditation as a key. He shares the knowledge and wisdom he gained over the period of time to the seekers to help them to find their balance in life through the process of meditation and some other energy works.