Steven Peterson

day/time: coming soon
tent location: coming soon
Taoist Practices for Men to Become Multi-Orgasmic
The practices to become multi-orgasmic involve teaching our body a new sexual response. You can learn how to open your inner gates, so that sexual energy does not simply build up in your penis and Groin but flows throughout and nourishes your whole body. You can learn to expand your capacity to hold more pleasure. You can learn whole-body orgasms that do not need to include ejaculation, so that you can continue love-making and reach even higher levels of pleasure and intimacy. Any man can learn the basic practices that can get you started to becoming multi-orgasmic. These practices open the internal pathways for orgasmic energy through breathing and intention.
Steven has taught chi kung and tantra for over fifteen years.
He is a senior instructor in Healing Tao, has served as president of the Healing Tao Instructors Association, and currently serves on Mantak Chia’s Council of Nine advisors for Universal Healing Tao.
Steven lives in Chapel Hill, NC and is available for workshops or one-on-one training.
He can be reached here.