speakers: Amrita & Apollo
TIME/DATE: sunday @ 2:00 pm
LOCATION: the dance tent
Authentic Relating
Authentic Relating (AR) is a playful, interactive meditation on personal growth in a social setting, focused on emotional intelligence. It’s a series of practices, within a group, that cultivates authenticity, vulnerability, empathy, compassion, and clarity of communication through lightly structured, non-competitive, game-based social interactions.
Authenticity is acting and speaking in alignment with our inner feelings, desires, and needs. Authentic Relating is the practice of bringing our truth into connection with others so that together, we can weave a rich and honest human experience.
Amrita & Apollo
Amrita & Apollo Grace are Beloveds who’ve been navigating conscious, sacred relationship together for over 15 years. While they each have their own careers, they love nothing better than to bring their heartfelt presence as a couple into co-facilitating magical events.
Amrita is a visionary leader in the Feminine Sexual Empowerment Re-Evolution who’s been fiercely committed to guiding spirit-led women into their deepest soul essence since 2000. As she guides them to release their generational, ancestral, and cultural sexual wounding, they can freely embody their authentic feminine power for a life filled with love, vitality, pleasure, and abundance.
She’s the co-founder of The Sacred Feminine Mystery School, an award-winning, bestselling author, Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator, High Priestess, Certified Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Art of Feminine Presence teacher, and Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator.
Amrita brings her background in sacred ceremony, sensual and ecstatic dance, and conscious communication to the mix along with her impeccable attention to detail and her unbridled enthusiasm for living a vibrant, authentic, magical life.
Learn more about Amrita’s work by clicking here.
Apollo’s day job as a software engineer combines his expertise in Shamanic Astrology and computer programming into the wildly popular app “The Pattern.” He’s also a Certified Spiritual Sexual Educator, Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, Shamanic Minister, and Mankind Project Initiate.
He began his spiritual path by studying Ken Wilber’s Integral Spirituality and continues to use it as his primary framework for understanding growth and development. He went to his first sacred sexuality retreat in 2006, and it was “like coming home”. It offered profound healing for his own deepest wounds and showed him a unique gift he had to offer others. His focus now is on facilitating Authentic Relating Games, Conscious Cuddling, and Zegg Forum.
Learn more about Apollo by clicking here.