JJ Hurst


speaker: JJ Hurst

DAY/TIME: friday @ 12:00 Pm

tent location: love TENT

recentering at bliss boogie: a guided workshop for nervous system support and co-regulation

Festivals like Boogie Bliss are incredibly delightful, heart opening, and expansive experiences, often peak experiences for many. But it can be easy to get lost in the experience, overwhelmed, or lose sight of ourselves. 

This 1-hour guided workshop is designed to introduce you to tools to help settle and soothe your nervous system, your mind and your body, and promote co-regulation. You will be guided through techniques informed by breath work, polyvagal theory, somatic therapy, and choreography. The workshop is also designed to promote co-regulating, helping individuals come into regulation together through eye gazing, intentional touch, and shared movement. 

Come to soothe and settle your nervous system, and pick up some tools to help you come back to yourself throughout the entire weekend.


JJ is a dancer, artist, and physical therapist who specialized in circus arts, hypermobility, and trauma informed care. JJ has a background in aerial arts, handstands, AcroYoga, Kettlebells, long distance running, and contact improv. Inspired to think of movement as medicine, they bring a unique blend of anatomy, awareness, and emotional intelligence to movement that empowers folks to unlock the healing intelligence in their bodies. The goal for every workshop, every session, is to discover the way we can move and heal our bodies as we do so, and use the wisdom of our bodies to move from the very well of our highest self.