vaidehi amair

speaker: Vaidehi AMAIR

day/time: saturday at 10:00 Am

tent location: dance tent

sensual floor werk

A workshop dedicated to opening your hips and hamstrings and activating your root and sacral chakra with yoga asana and yin focused stretching.

Once you’ve warmed up we step into fun sensual floor movement that includes pole based exotic leg work and more. Walk away feeling flexy, relaxed, and ready to play.

speaker: Vaidehi AMAIR

day/time: sunday at 12:00 Pm

tent location: DANCE tent

Mantra Bass Ritual

Mantra Bass Ritual Dance Experience is meant to activate, awaken and inspire a clearing for your body temple, body mind and spirit. Come move your body and activate your energy centers with the sacred medicine of live mantra infused bass/trap music by Vaidehi.

This guided dance experience moves you through various dance exercises, mudras and yoga inspired poses. Each song represents an element and spiritual concept to help you release and activate through yoga based wisdom. Come and enjoy this one of a kind live music and interactive dance experience.

Find @VaidehiAmair on all music and social media platforms.


Vaidehi Amair is a creative artist and entrepreneur that loves to share spiritual knowledge and mantra through music. Born and raised in the Bhakti Yoga tradition, her love for mantra and hip hop has led her to produce her own fusion of mantra and world hip hop music, rapping in Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages on the planet.

Her vision is to bridge the culture of Bhakti Yoga into the world of music and festival culture in service of her Guru who taught her these songs and mantra.

She has performed on various stages such as Northern Nights Music Festival, Love Long Beach, Bhakti LoveReunion, LIB, Enchanted Forest, Envision Costa Rica, One Love Fest, Festival of Colors, and more.

Stay tuned for her musical releases and enjoy her eclectic tunes at @VaidehiAmair on Instagram.