

sensual movement facilitator: TaChé

DAY/TIME: friday @ 2:00 pm

tent location: The DANCE tent

the dance of the universe

Get ready for a journey of self-discovery with “The Dance of The Universe,” an exploration of unique and hidden rhythms that resonate within ourselves and the world around us. This transformative class invites participants to delve into the depths of their sensual, sexual, and spiritual being, exploring the lesser-known aspects of personal rhythms – both physical and energetic.

These subtle rhythms encourage participants to connect movement with a profound understanding of themselves and the world that surrounds them. The class will employ grounding techniques, such as sound meditation and partner exercises, to foster presence within the space. As participants become attuned to the energy around them, they will gradually transition into simple, yet sensual and dynamic movements offering a sense of clarity, connection and bliss

Key Highlights: 

Exploration of Personal Rhythms: Uncover the unique rhythms within yourself, exploring the intersections of sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality.

Connection to the Universe: Establish a connection with the beat of the universe, recognizing how personal rhythms resonate with the energy around you.

Grounding Techniques: Utilize grounding techniques, including sound healing and partner exercises, to enhance presence in the space.

Gradual Progression: Progress from grounding exercises to simple, yet sensual and dynamic movements, allowing participants to ease into the dance.

This class is suitable for individuals of all dance levels and backgrounds, providing a safe and inclusive space for exploration. Join us for “The Dance of The Universe” and unlock the captivating and transformative experience of moving in harmonious movement.


Intimate Remedies is a date night company that specializes in unique and transformative experiences beyond the conventional. Our CEO, TaChé, is an accredited relationship coach, creative director, and professional choreographer with over 10 years of valuable experience in sensuality, sexuality, and spirituality.

Through our holistic relationship coaching, sex-positive retreats, sensual dance healing classes, and transformative non-traditional date nights, we aim to bring a touch of transformation to Bliss Boogie.

TaChé’s one-of-a-kind dance program harnesses feminine energy to raise consciousness, garnering acclaim for her unique approach. We are confident that her contributions at Bliss Boogie will be well-received by participants seeking a deeper connection with themselves and their partners. We are eager to discuss with you how Intimate Remedies can actively participate in elevating consciousness at the event. We offer workshops, classes, and interactive experiences to cater to your needs.